Join the Home Team Sports Club!

Father-Son Basketball

Who? Fathers (or father figures) and sons. The program is open to males from 4th grade through 12th grade. Only father-son units can participate.

What? Sports activities, starting with basketball. Other activities can be added as the program develops.

Where? Jesuit Academy at 2311 N. 22 St.

When? Wednesday nights 7-9.

Cost? $5 per year for a father-son unit.

Why? To promote the importance of the father, and the father-son bond, in family life.



Home Team Sports Club Guidelines Agreement

No street shoes.  I will bring a pair of gym shoes to use in the gym. The shoes I wear on my feet to get to the Home Team Sports Club are not the shoes I will wear on the gym floor.

No sideways or backwards hats.  If I wear a ball cap, the bill will face front.

No distasteful clothes.  My clothes will be free of profanity and antisocial messages.

No sagging or baggies.  Underwear is UNDERwear. It should not be seen. I will wear my outer shorts or pants properly at my waistline.

I will be on time and attentive  at the meeting to close each session. I understand that participation in the Home Team Sports Club requires participating in the closing meeting.

I agree to follow and help enforce these guidelines:









Here's what's happening:

Each session starts with warm-up time, then teams are chosen and games are played until 8:30. It's recreational. All skill levels are welcome.

Each session concludes with a short meeting on sportsmanship and life values. Some weeks a father-son unit presents a Man-to-Man Talk to the group.

Come join us. We will ask you to fill out an application and sign the guidelines agreement. You will be admitted to play that evening. FFI will take a picture of the father-son unit for a membership ID card. The photo ID card will be  given to you at the next session. That card gets the father-son unit into the Club for a year.

The father in the father-son unit does not have to be the biological father, but he must be an adult male willing to commit to the program. It can't be a rotation of people. He must be the person on the ID card.